Byte Invisible Aligners

Byte Invisible aligners are the revolutionary way to straighten your teeth on your own terms. With the option to do daytime (22 hours of daily wear) or nighttime (10 hours of daily wear), these amazing, totally clear plastic devices are custom made to fit your teeth. They gradually shift your teeth so that you’re left with a smile you love. The best part? It’s all done from the comfort of your home!

The first step on your Byte journey is to create impressions of your teeth. Once you send them in, you’ll be paired with a dentist who will evaluate if you’re a candidate. If you are, they’ll build you a 3D model of your perfect smile, which unlike many other aligners, takes into account your entire face shape, not just your teeth. The impression kit is typically $100.

Want to get your impression kit for just $25?


It’s risk-free, and you’ll be refunded the cost if you’re not a candidate. If you are – you can choose the day or night time system and start your smile journey!

An impression kit for Byte Invisible Aligners.

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